Welcome to Microesim's FAQ Page.

What is an eSIM?

eSIM is kind of digital SIM “embedded” in your phone and works as a typical traditional physical sim. In this page you will find some frequently asked question like how to activate eSIM on phone, what can a data eSIM from Microesim do? How to do with a eSIM QR code or other things about the usage of eSIM. >> eSIM Knowledge Base

Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

What devices support eSIM?

What is the speed of MicroEsim's eSIM?

What do I do if I accidentally delete or lose my eSIM’s QR code?

How to check if my iPhone is unlocked?

How to check if my Android device is unlocked?

How to check remaining data balance of my eSIM plan?

How to make phone calls with a data-only eSIM?

How To Unlock APN Settings On IOS

How to Set Up APN on Android Devices

How can I delete the MicroEsim’s eSIM once I’ve used my data?

How many times can I use my eSIM?

How do I get a refund?

When will I receive my eSIM?

When should I set up my eSIM?

When does my data plan start?

Can I have multiple phone scan a same QR code?

Can I keep my WhatsApp number?

Can I use eSIM to make calls and send messages?

Can I renew or extend data on my eSIM?

Are there speed limits and data caps on MicroEsim’s unlimited data plans?