How Fast Of My eSIM? How To Choose Travel Data Plan?

  • By Sylvia Su

When traveling, staying connected is crucial, and selecting the right eSIM data plan can make your trip much smoother. offers travelers a range of high-speed data plans and flexible Fair Usage Policy options to meet various usage needs in different environments. This article provides a detailed overview of different high-speed data formats and their characteristics, as well as how to manage data under FUP restrictions, to help you make an informed decision when choosing an eSIM travel data package.

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1. Mobile Network Options: 3G/4G/LTE/5G

Understanding the different mobile network options is essential for selecting the right data plan. Each network type offers varying speeds and coverage, which can significantly impact your internet experience while traveling.

3G Network

- Features: The 3G network represents the third generation of mobile communication technology. It offers significantly faster data transmission rates compared to its predecessor, 2G.

- Advantages: Good for basic web browsing, email, social media use, and other fundamental applications. Its performance is adequate for users who require simple, everyday online activities.

- Applicable areas: 3G networks are still common in some remote or developing countries, where new technology infrastructure has not yet become widely available. For example, some rural areas in India may still rely on 3G networks for communications.

4G Network

- Features: 4G networks deliver much higher data transmission speeds and are currently the mainstream mobile network technology. Theoretically, 4G speeds can reach up to 300Mbps. In practice, typical speeds range around 15Mbps, with instances reaching up to 40Mbps or even 100Mbps under optimal conditions.

    - Advantages: Supports high-definition video streaming, online gaming, and high-speed file downloads, making it ideal for a wide range of high-demand applications.
      - Applicable Areas: 4G coverage is extensive, spanning most areas around the world such as South Korea. Its widespread availability ensures that users have reliable access to high-speed internet.

        LTE Network

        - Features: LTE (Long Term Evolution), is an enhanced version of 4G technology, offering superior download and upload speeds. It is often referred to as 4G LTE due to its close association with 4G networks.

        - Advantages: LTE provides a more stable and faster internet connection, especially when network conditions are favorable. This stability is crucial for activities that require consistent high-speed data.
        - Applicable Areas: Mainly available in cities and developed areas such as Malaysia where infrastructure supports advanced network capabilities.

        5G Network

        - Features: 5G is the latest generation of mobile communication technology, characterized by ultra-high speed, low latency, and large capacity. It represents a significant leap forward from 4G and LTE technologies.

        - Advantages: Ideal for applications that demand high-speed connectivity and minimal latency, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications, ultra-high-definition video streaming, and real-time cloud gaming. It promises peak data rates of up to 20Gbps and average speeds around 100Mbps.

        - Applicable Areas: Currently mainly available in large cities within developed countries, such as the United States. In remote areas, network access may revert to 4G or 3G due to infrastructural limitations.


        2. What is Unlimited Data Plan? No restrictions?

        Unlimited data plans are a popular option for those who want to enjoy unrestricted internet access. However, "unlimited" does not always mean "unrestricted." Often, an "unlimited data plan" is a marketing term used by internet service providers to mean offering internet access without cutting data caps. When a user exceeds a certain data cap, the provider will start bandwidth throttling to reduce the speed at which the user can access data, thereby slowing down the user's internet usage. Specific rules and thresholds vary by provider, and MicroEsim is actively testing these limits to provide updates.


        3. What is Fair Usage Policy (FUP)?

        Telecommunications companies implement Fair Use Policies (FUP) to prevent network abuse. If you consume an unusually large amount of data in a short period, your provider might throttle your speed or temporarily disconnect your service. According to our observations, speeds may be throttled if usage exceeds 10GB to 20GB in a single day. This threshold varies according to local providers.

        We are testing the wireless data speed limits of various mobile phone providers and will update the blog with any findings. To avoid triggering the fair use policy, it's advisable to avoid prolonged video streaming or processing large amounts of data in a short time.


        4. Data Plan Options: “Terminate Data Plan” or “Unlimited Data Plan”

        Choosing between multiple data plan types can be confusing. Below you will understand the circumstances under which each plan is most beneficial, helping you make an informed choice based on your travel and data needs.

        Terminate Data Plan - Stop after High-Speed Data is Used Up

        The Terminate Data Plan means that your internet connection will stop when your high-speed data is used up. With this type of data package, you have a set amount of high-speed data. Once you exhaust this data, your internet connection will be cut off until you purchase additional data. This plan can be cost-effective if you have predictable and moderate data usage and is suitable for users who primarily use data for activities that do not require continuous high-speed internet, such as occasional browsing or checking emails.

        Considerations: There is no guarantee of unlimited low-speed data after your high-speed data is used up. You need to monitor your data usage closely to avoid unexpected disconnection.

        Unlimited Data Plan - Unlimited Low-Speed after High-Speed Data is exhausted

        Unlimited data plans allow you to continue using the internet at a lower speed after your high-speed data is exhausted. This option ensures you stay connected without additional costs, making it ideal for users with high data demands.

        Considerations: While you can continue using data at reduced speeds, activities that require high-speed internet, such as HD video streaming or online gaming, may be affected. Ensure that you are aware of the specific fair use limits set by your provider to avoid unexpected speed reductions.


        5. What can you do with different FUP Internet speeds?

        MicroEsim offers a variety of FUP (Fair Usage Policy) options, allowing you to maintain your network connection after the high-speed data is used up. Internet speeds under FUP can vary, affecting what activities you can perform online. The following describes the low-speed traffic and its availability under different FUPs:

        128kbps Unlimited

        - Usage: Suitable for basic messaging, lightweight web browsing, and email sending and receiving.

        - Downloading: At this speed, it will take at least 17 hours to download a 1GB file, making large downloads impractical as they will likely timeout before completion. Small files like documents might be manageable but will still take significant time.

        - Other Activities: You can do very little with this speed. Basic web browsing and sending text messages might still be possible, but the experience will be sluggish, especially if images or multimedia content are involved. Forget about watching videos or streaming high-quality audio. Even in low-quality formats, buffering will dominate the experience, leading to a lot of interruptions and delays. Online gaming and video calls are out of the question.

        - App Experience:

        • WhatsApp: Can send and receive text messages, but pictures and videos load very slowly. Voice messages may be delayed.
        • Facebook: Browsing text content is mostly possible, but loading images and videos is nearly impossible. The overall usage experience is very slow.
        • Instagram: Basically unusable, images and videos load extremely slowly, and posting content is almost impossible.
        • YouTube: Unable to watch videos smoothly, buffering frequently even at the lowest quality.
        • Spotify: Basically unable to play music smoothly, buffering frequently even with low quality.
        • Zoom: Video calls are largely unfeasible, and audio calls can have significant latency and sound quality issues.
        • Netflix: Unable to watch any video content, frequent buffering results in a very poor experience.
        • Twitter: You can browse text content, but loading images and videos is very slow and the interactive experience is poor.

        200kbps Unlimited

        - Usage: In addition to basic messaging, this speed can support simple web browsing and limited social media use, such as checking emails and browsing news websites. Messaging apps will work, but sending and receiving images will be slow.

        - Downloading: Small files can be downloaded, but anything over a few megabytes will take a considerable amount of time. Downloading a 100MB file could take more than an hour.

        - Other Activities: Streaming at this speed is quite limited. Light social media use is possible, but interactive content will be problematic. Low-quality audio streaming might be feasible, but video streaming will likely result in frequent buffering and low resolution.

        - App Experience:

        • WhatsApp: Text messages and simple voice messages work fine, but pictures and videos still load slowly.
        • Facebook: You can browse text content and a few pictures, but the video playback is not smooth and the loading time is long.
        • Instagram: Browsing text and some pictures is OK, but videos and stories take long to load and the user experience is poor.
        • YouTube: The video playback experience is poor, with frequent buffering even at the lowest quality.
        • Spotify: Plays low-quality music, but may experience occasional buffering.
        • Zoom: Audio calls are barely OK, but video calls are of poor quality and frequently lag.
        • Netflix: Unable to watch videos smoothly, with frequent buffering at the lowest quality.
        • Twitter: Text and images can be browsed, but videos take a long time to load and the interactive experience is poor.

        384kbps Unlimited

        - Usage: Suitable for standard web browsing, online music streaming, and social media use. Web browsing and online shopping are manageable. Streaming music is generally smooth, and low-resolution videos (480p or lower) can be viewed with some buffering. Social media platforms will function better, allowing for viewing of images and light video content.

        - Downloading: Downloading a 1GB file would take several hours, but smaller files like PDFs or low-resolution images can be handled within a reasonable timeframe.

        - Other Activities: You can browse websites with moderate loading times, but video streaming will still be limited to low resolutions with occasional buffering. Online gaming is not recommended due to latency issues.

        - App Experience:

        • WhatsApp: Text messages, voice messages and small images work fine, videos still take longer to load.
        • Facebook: Browsing text and images is generally smooth, but video playback quality is low and sometimes buffers.
        • Instagram: Viewing pictures and posting content is mostly OK, but videos and stories take longer to load.
        • YouTube: Low-quality videos (240p or 360p) can be viewed, but there will still be occasional buffering.
        • Spotify: Can play music smoothly, but high-quality music may occasionally buffer.
        • Zoom: Audio call quality is good, video call quality is average, and sometimes lags.
        • Netflix: You can watch low-definition videos, but high-definition videos will buffer and the experience is average.
        • Twitter: Text, images, and short videos can be browsed smoothly, but large files still take time to load.

        5Mbps Unlimited

        - Usage: This speed is almost equivalent to the entry speed of 4G networks and can meet most network needs, including high-definition video streaming. Multiple devices can handle standard definition streaming simultaneously. Smooth web browsing, video conferencing, and online gaming with acceptable latency are all achievable.

        - Downloading: A 1GB file will probably finish downloading in about 30 minutes, making it feasible for larger downloads.

        - Other Activities: You can watch high-definition (HD) videos without buffering, make video calls with clear video and audio quality, and use most online applications smoothly. HD content can be comfortably streamed on one device without buffering. Activities like working from home, online education, and virtual meetings are well-supported. Online gaming will have low latency and responsive gameplay.

        - App Experience:

        • WhatsApp: Text messages, voice messages, pictures and videos all work smoothly, and video calling quality is good.
        • Facebook: Browsing text, images and videos is basically smooth, video playback quality is high, and loading time is short.
        • Instagram: Pictures and videos load quickly, posting content is no problem, and videos and stories play smoothly.
        • YouTube: Watch HD (720p or 1080p) videos smoothly with virtually no buffering.
        • Spotify: Can play high-quality music smoothly with almost no buffering.
        • Zoom: Video and audio calls are of high quality, smooth and lag-free, suitable for video conferencing.
        • Netflix: You can watch high-definition (720p or 1080p) videos smoothly, with a good experience and almost no buffering.
        • Twitter: You can browse text, pictures and videos smoothly, with a good interactive experience and short loading time.


        6. How to Choose the Right eSIM Data Plan for Travel Needs?

        ( 1 ) Choose the Appropriate Network Speed Based on Usage

        - For General Browsing and Social Media: A 3G or 4G network is usually sufficient.

        - For High-Bandwidth Activities: If you plan to stream high-definition videos or use applications that require significant bandwidth, a 4G or 5G network is recommended.

        ( 2 ) Consider Regional Network Coverage

        When selecting a plan, consider the network coverage available at your travel destination. While some regions may only offer 3G or 4G coverage, larger cities often have 5G networks. Make sure your plan provides adequate coverage for the areas you will be visiting. You may be able to choose between local packages and regional plans at, depending on your travel plans.

        ( 3 ) Understand Low-Speed Data under FUP Rules

        - 128kbps or 200kbps: Suitable for emergency use such as messaging or basic web browsing.

        - 384kbps: Can support activities like music streaming and other moderate applications.

        - 5Mbps: Generally sufficient for most applications, ensuring a continuous and relatively smooth internet experience even under FUP restrictions.

        By carefully selecting your eSIM data plan, you can ensure a seamless and reliable internet connection throughout your travels. Opt for a plan that aligns with your internet usage habits, whether you need high-speed 4G/5G networks for intensive tasks or can manage with unlimited low-speed data under FUP rules. This will enhance your travel experience by providing consistent connectivity, adding convenience and enjoyment to your trip.


        Hope this article is helpful to you. If you have more questions and needs about eSIM travel data plans, welcome to visit our official website or contact our customer service team. Happy travels!

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