How To Turn Off Autoplay On Twitter To Save Data?

  • By Sylvia Su

Here's a step-by-step guide to turning off autoplay on Twitter, a small change that can lead to significant data savings.

How To Turn Off Autoplay On Twitter To Save Data? - MicroEsim

1. Click on the "More" icon on the left sidebar. For Mobile App Users, click on your profile picture (avatar) to access the sidebar menu.

2. Tap Settings and privacy > Accessibility, display, and languages > Data usage > Autoplay.

3. Select "Never" to disable video autoplay. The change saves automatically.

Implementing this small change not only conserves data but also enhances your browsing experience by allowing you to choose what content to watch, rather than being bombarded with autoplay videos.

Here’s the secret: Use an eSIM for the best internet connection experience. MicroEsim offers eSIM data plans in multiple destinations around the world, such as South Korea and France, with flexibility to suit your travel and business needs, even on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.


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